22battalion crest

22nd Battalion 2NZEF

"Vrai et Fort"

The 22nd Battalion's War Diaries

Search the Diary

Here is an index of all of the names mentioned in the War Diaries. Most are only mentioned once or twice, but a few names - Senior Officers etc - are mentioned many times. In most cases only the surname is mentioned, without first name or initials, or regimental number. With common surnames or brothers in the 22nd, it is not clear exactly which person is being referred to. In most cases I have been able to add the regimental number, but for some I have not attempted any further identification. Click on the page reference to see an image of that page.

You can determine which diary entry the page is from by using the page reference number - the first two digits are the year, the next two the month and the last two the image number for that month - e.g. 400101 is 1940, January, image 1. Only the small (thumbnail) version of the images are referenced here. Delete the "-s" in the image name to download the large image file.

Reg NoSurnameInitialsPage Numbers
Abbott 420533
Adams 410510
Ahern 460110
42490Allen 420305
5929AndersonDF 401203 410605 411011 411013 420104 421010 440506 440507 440705 440707 440716 440829 440907 441010
30250AndrewLW 400102 400104 400106 400107 400303 400407 400408 400903 400904 401002 401004 401005 401102 401103 410203
410204 410205 410304 410403 410405 410410 410411 410412 410416 410516 410535 410539 410546 410562 410605
410609 410709 410805 410905 410910 410913 410919 411015 411102 411117 411135 411205 411209 411214 411219
411221 411227 420106 420110 420118 420203
6736Andrews 420444
31092Archer 450314 450314
5091ArmstrongCN 440911 440925 440926 441106 441110 441111 450407 450522 450523 450524 450604 450704
30559ArmstrongJ 401005 401103 410205 410605 410606 410712 410813 411134
30399AshmanM 400407
Astwood 440913
Avery 440915 450431 460707
30391AyresRW 400407 401102
BAIGENTE.R. 460412
30230Bailey 411213
5926BainJW 400107 400408 401103 410106 410107 410405
Baird 440918 440925
Baker 420523
6921BarfordW 400408
41028Barlow 420710
Barrett 441236 441237
BartonDG 410607 410608 411134
43870BassettGM 440422 440506 441014 450108
Bateman 431009
Bayliss 420406 420422
BAYNESC.A. 460809
BEALE 460407 460509
Beaven 410516 410540 410553
Bedingfield 450421
BELLW. 460401 460411 460510
Bertrand 410417
BevanVD 450312
BiesselG 450312
31422BlackettF.J. 420716 430206
6880BlakeleyAT 410420
6791BosworthLB 410420
30099BourkeB 400408 410106 410516
BowersFG 450312
BOWYER 460104 460110 460203
6881BoyleGE 401005
Breach 450419
Brewer 420424
BRIGGSA.C. 460412
BrightTN 420720 430906 440510 440707 440714 440715
BROWN 460706
Buck 410203
4882BurgessHH 410420
Butchart 420720 421010
41093ButlerWG 401004
409945BygraveGS 440306
BYRNEJ.F. 460809
31507Calson 410105
5953CampbellTC 4400107 400404 400408 401203 401204 410106 410316 410405 410411 410517 410548 410555 410603 410608 410708
410813 410910 410913 410919 411117 411119 411204 411233 420105 420111 420117 420318 420406 420422 420425
420439 420526 420527 420535 420613 420719 420722 420812 430204 430205 430206 430305 430405 430406 430505
431007 440402 440414 441110 441111 450433
6949Carlson 401003
33510CarrolC 441207
31661CarsonCR 431008 431107 440304 440305 441010
6557CarterTN 400103 400107 410605 410706 420305 420409 420427 420427 420430 420511 420525 420535
30374Castle-SpenceJS 400408 420444
Catchpole 410510
CATCHPOLES.A. 451103 460408 460411 460804
30459Catley 410704 410712
615432CaveK 450415
Champion 420427 420441 420511 420516 420521 420524 420532 430504 430507 430703
49533ChristianJW 441228
6256ChristiansenJ 410420 411013 411015
Clapham 400703 401203 410516 410540 410706 410815
Clarke 441013
Clough 441230 441231
30657CockroftJ 410420
COCKS 460410
6856ColemanR 400408
Connelly 450430
CooperMM 431107 440415 440616 440715 450312
30121Coughlan 420722
30995CowperWH 440305 440505 440603 440604 440611
Craig 401003 401204 410310 410540
CRAIGJ.W.C. 460606 460708 460804 460905 470504 470603
5927Crarer 401103 410107 410517 410605 410606 410609 410709 410920 411008 420311 420529
4153CromptonWJ 410607 410608 410815 410913 411118
47208CrossLGS 411102 420104 421012 430404 430505 440205 440305 440415 440508 440611 441106 441211 441228 450104 450512
Dallimere 450312
DALTONC.F. 460809
DAVIESW.T. 460809
DAVIS 460506
Davison 410707 410813 411016
DicksonKE 450312
30379DillonDG 410420
31762Dix 441010 441238
DOBSON 460505
6011DonaldHV 400404 410205 410536 410541 410706 410712 410716 420406 420422 420527 421010 430707 430907 431007 431207
431208 440304 440402 440404 440409 440415 440422 440504 440505 440705 440712 440713 440922 441103 441105
441107 450108 450303 450304 450312 450313 450504 450507 450511 450512 450514 450515 450516 450518 450520
450522 450603 450606 450607 450703 450704
6509DonoghuePP 400407 401102
Douglas 400206
30335DringJSH 410420
33635DymockJHW 420720 440305 440616
30749EadesEA 440907 450108
6844Earnshaw 420517
249894Edinger 441221
6751ElliottK 420718 420901 430507 430605
EMERY 460508 460609 460704 460803 460805 461008 461105 470306 470403
Everett 440922
30754FarrellJP 410607 410608 420428
255633Feast 450523
5943Fell 410535
FENTONK.C. 460607 461108
FISHER 460505
6248FordAG 401003 410420
Forster 410517 410706 420104 420203 440304 440415
Foster 410310 410605 410608
6735FowkeBH 440304
6260FowlerTG 400407 401102 410510 430206
6779FoxleyCG 410205
28339FranklinAA 440614
Fraser 401004
31319Freeman 410104
6404Friend 410510
6261Frost 410104
GaneMM 450520
Gardiner 431105 431111 440415
GEARD 460704
6791GeorgeDL 410420
Gibbs 441221
Gilbert 420444
6993Gollan 401102
GOSLIND.A. 460312 461104
Green 401102
Gregory 431009
Greville 411005 411013 411015 411102 411136
GROGANW.T. 451103 460312 460411
30062Hack 401003 440420 440421
Hanton 410106 410517 410555 410605 410607 410609 420308 420314 420523 420526 420529 420538 420703 420714 420716
30454HarnishCJ 410420
Harris 400703
5928HartIA 400104 400408 401102 410105 410106 410414 410418 410605 410706 410916 410919 411218 420204 430404 431110
431208 440506
6514HartWC 440918
HawleyJA 450108
5948HawthornT 400104 400905 401002 401203 410516 410605 410706 411007
Haycock 401003 410316
HectorPW 450208
35395Hegglun 440508
HendersonV 440605
Herdman 420318 420424 420511 420526
Hill 401003
4777HockleyP 400104 410103 410310 410605 410707 420515 420520 420538 430505 440205 440304 440406 440414 440415
6039HolmsISG 401005
HoltPdeV 410607 410608
Horn 420720 441217
HouseA 440508 440606 440611
35160HulmeIG 431005 431106
6365HultonCJ 400408
HunterW 400104
6555HurstW 400103 400904 410105 410204 410517 410555
6227HutchesonKR 440422 440506 440507 440508 440707 440714 440825 440826 440906 440925
Hutchison 420534 420535 420719
JardineL 400403
45987JensenJE 440510
6216JobWI 440304
JoblinK 440207 441239 450430
72440JohnstonRE 430207 430304 430305 430404 430405 430505 430607 430905 440611 440616 440707 440714 441222
JohnstonSH 410517 410605 410608 410706 410712 411103 411134
6215Jude 441020 441221
KENNEDY 460705 460804
6264KettleHA 410205
44238KeyAG 450312
KINGM.R. 460809
6968KnoxRR 410704 411102 411215 430205 431105 431111 431205 440107 440422 440504 440505 440507 440508 440510 440611
Krammer 431009
6926LambertAGL 410420
48171LangeDWC 440503 440508 440509
6204LangleyRL 401003
Lawrence 401005 410203 410516 410605 410605 410706
Laws 410106 410516 410606 410706 410919
5935LeachJG 400104 400903 401102 401103 410105
LecksL 400104 410106 410605 410704 410709
6097Leggatt 400903 401002 401103 410414 410417 410516 410559 410605 410706 410809 410906 410910 410913 410914
LEITCHJ.D. 460106 460112
36552Leighton 440508
6943LogieT 410420
Longmore 441210
Longmore 401203 410517 410541
30662LoveT 401005
6976LovettCS 410420
5932LovieWG 410105 410310 410605 410606 410608
Low 430703 430906 430907
LoweS de Clive 400104
586782Ludbrook 440816
Lusk 410555 410608
6556MacDuffJL 400103 400404 400408 410205 410405 410408 410410 410412 410516 410605 410905 411013 411015 411209 420118
420119 420425 420442 421009 421012 430204 430205 430206 430405 430406 430604 430704
MacKay 410204
30638MaharJ 410420
11357Manchester 401102 401102 401203
MANSON 460206 461108 470104
MARSHJ.B. 460809
MARTIN 460509
5946MasonWW 400905
Mathieson 401102
MatherGL 410920 411011 420104 420118 420306 420313 420315 420318 420437 420440
MATSONB.J. 460809
McAra 401102
McCall 430905 430909
MCCASKILLG.M. 461102 461108 470403 470603 470604 470605
6947McClurg 430206
McClymontM 440411
McDonaldIS 450420
McDonaldJ 400408
5243McGlashanGD 410310 410412 410420
MCGREGORA.F.C. 460606 460905 461103 461104 470306 470603
MCGUIREJ.C. 460106 460112
553241McHardyGF 440605 440616 440816 441110 441111 441112
McIndoe 450416
McKenzie 410104
MACKENZIEB.E. 460212 460313 460408 460607 460608 460805 470502 470505
MCKEONS.R. 460605 460607
MCLAY 460406
McLeanJN 440707 450208
McLeanR 440611 441239 450205
42486McLeanTP 440207 441208 441239 450605 460306 460307 460310 460409 460411 460508 460706
5842McLernon 411007 411013 411215 411219 420104 420112 420118 420314 420318 420427 420442
McMillan 441013
MCNABW.J. 460110 460313 460607
6094McNaughtGJ 4400107 400408
70492McNeilJH 440907
6538McPhail 401003
Meads 441206
30684MeekDJ 410420
4030MeiklejohnC 430207
MilesTU 450312
40917MilneJ 440305 440309
MILNER.D. 460809
Mitchell 441228
MollierD 450520
MollierFH 440417
35801Monaghan 440509 440510
6199MonkP 401005 401203 410405 410414 410418 410605 410707 440714 450104
11705Moodie 401204
31508Moody 401203
MOONG.D. 460606
Moore 410712 410919
MORGANA.J. 460704
MORGANW.A. 460808 460809
40293MullinderET 430407 431007 440508 440510
6861MurphyJK 410104 410203 440707
MURPHYJ.M. 460710
6811MurrayAC 410420
MURRAYE.M.E.G. 460809
986NancarrowDH 410412 410420 410609 410709 420421 431005 431205
NeilAJ 440506 440613
NEILSONC.O. 460606 460712
Newlands 401102
35073NikolaisonCG 440306
6771Noble 410203
30633NorrisR 410310 410420
Nulton 410317
6793OakesBP 400407
30047O'BrienJ 410420
O'CONNOR 460506
O'ReillyAFW 430607 430608 430906 440305 440415 440504 440507 440714 440812 440825 440826 440912 441020 441103 441106
450108 450112 450205 450208 450303 450304 450305 450307 450312 450313
6303OldhamFG 410607 410608 410612 410712 410920 420212 420427 421011 430204 431008 431105 431111
30273O'NeillAE 410420
6250OrmondJDW 400511 401204 410310 410412 410420
OrmondWEW 410607 410608 410706 410713
OrtonHD 410607 410608 411103 420212 431106 440106 440306 440415
PACKERB.A. 460809
PageJR 400106 400204
6988PalmerGH 450108
PAPPS 460110
Parker 401102
PattersonEB 440814 441119 441202 441206 450520
31025PeacockGH 410420
PembertonA 441224
30016PetersonAH 410205 410420
PerksWC 420424 420709
PHILIPB.R. 460809
Pickering 430205
6558PleasantsE 400103 400106 410919 411211 420306 420535
630999PotterCR 450312
Powell 441118
POWRIED.C. 460606 460905 461008 470504
Price 440816
4009PurnellSAR 400206 400408 410105 410534
RATTENBURYJ.L. 460606 460704 460708 470805
Reeves 440918 441203
Reidy 410510
RENNIEF. 460411 460804
RevellAH 440410 440705 441009
ReynoldsFA 450312
RiddifordEA 410607 410608
Ring 430907
ROBERTS 460508 460812 470406
RobertsonIS 410607 410608 410708 410815
30610RodgersJ 400408
RODGERSP.J. 460606 461204
ROUND 460102 460104 460109 460804
ROSE 461009
36582RossJNB 431107 440305 440821
1045Russell 420117 420118 420207 420212 420215 420216 420306 420308 420406 420409 420422 420427 420430 420512 420516
420522 420609 420612 420703 420713 420722 420811 420812 420816
RYAN 460506
6393RyanJH 400509
30141SainsburyG 431108 440304 440305 440415 440507 440821 440825 440826 441106 441118 441202 450104 450205
6997SandifordGM 410420
6989Sangster 411121
5887Sargesson 410540
6807ScandlynJ 400408
5950ScollayC 400104 410713
Scott 410707 410811 450107
71884SherrattJ 441205 450608
440131ShotterMJ 440503 440508 440509
30203SimpsonEH 400103 401102 410310 410605 410919 411134 431111
4113SinclairRB 410532 440611 440707 440711 440714 441106
Slade 410203 410310 410541
Smith 410204
SMITHL.F. 460412 460709 460805
Spence 410104
610075SpicerR 440508 440509 440716 441109 450104 450420 450604 450606 450607 450703
SteeleDG 420720 420722 430204 430205 430305 430405 430505 430604 431207 440402 440413 440414 440415 440416 440505
Strachan 401003
513530StrangGJS 440503 440508
Strickland 401204
StuckeyGR 440503 440510
STUDHOLME 460304 460604 460605
SturgeonWD 440707
SullivanCR 450312
42313SullivanJL 441020
SullivanMG 431006 431007 431009 431010 431107 440305 440421 440422 440505 440606 440607 440609 440611 440713
Suter 420722 420806
Sutherland 441020
SymesRA 400408
33739TalbotWA 430406
16814Tama 440417
36600TeazAS 440506 440603 440611
TEBBETTM. 460605 460805
Thodey 450442
ThomasLR 430407 430905 440409 441013 441216
THOMASW.B. 451104 451108 451112 460302 460303 460607 460311 460403 460406 460407 460708 460412 460503 460511 460609
460704 460712 460810 461102 461108
Thompson 420215 420305 420527 420617 430405
5939ThorntonT 410105 410516 410605 410713 410920 420203
16259ThorpeDD 410606 410607 410609 410612 410705 410707 410711 410714 410809 411104 411208 411227 411228 420113 420214
420424 420425 420427
TraynorRS 400512
31101TregearJ 410420
6775True 401003
41299TsukigawaSN 441204
Turner 441118
6753TustinJ 410420
5347TyrellE 400104 410310
UPSTONI.P. 460710
6208VaughanWT 440304
14181Volckman 410608 410609 410704 410920
5938Wadey 410103 410516
Waetford 431106
WATERSA.J. 460412
WebsterJ.L. 420817
30080WeirTC 410420 440415
Welch 401004
WELCH 460403 460404 460405
30730Weller 420444
40509WellsJ 440615 440828 440908 441010 450516
WerePB 431007 440507
WheelerFR 430404 431007 440415
WHITE 460709
WhiteCS 440606
6375WhiteWJ 440707
6253WhitlockWA 401204 410310 410605 410711 420423 430404 430405
WHYTES.M. 460412
6899WicksteedBM 410205
4128WiddowsonAF 410607 410608
Williams 420212 420311 420526
34209WillockP 420806 431207 440422 440826 450104 450205
31097WilsonD 410420
WILSONS.I. 460509
38563WindsorWC 440923
440784Winstanley 450608
432162WoodBJ 440603 440609
35476WoolcottAH 440305 440510
Wooller 410310 410313 410510 410605 410608
4761WrightSA 410420
WRIGHT 460204 460310 460406 460407 460503 460603 460905
YoungR 410707 410712 410919 411204 411221 420208 420406 420425 420442 420443 420230 420535 420721
YoungA 420537

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Last updated: 26 January 2023