22battalion crest

22nd Battalion 2NZEF

"Vrai et Fort"

Photographs of Egypt, Italy and Japan

Stuart Richard SOUTHALL (621870) was posted to the 22nd Battalion in 1944, joining the Battalion for the NZ Division's final push into Trieste in northern Italy. Stuart's earlier military service included a posting as part of the guard on the Featherston POW camp near Masterton, New Zealand. From there he went overseas to training in Cairo before crossing into Italy. Stuart's active service was brief: the push into Trieste saw all the German forces in Italy surrender on 4th May 1945 to the 22nd Battalion. Stuart was a participant in that surrender process. The NZ Division's role in keeping the peace in Trieste was soon passed over to other forces, allowing the Battalion to move to Winter quarters at the Scola Aeronautica polythechnic in Florence. By early 1946 it had been decided that the Battalion would transfer to Japan as part of the Occupation Forces. Stuart spent time in Japan before being repatriated to New Zealand in late 1946.

These photos are from his album and record his days of training in Maadi Camp near Cairo, his time in Italy, especially Florence and his time in Japan.

Training at Maadi Camp, Cairo

Maadi Camp 1944

Training in desert

Maadi camp 1944

Maadi Camp 1944

Maadi Camp 1944

Maadi Camp 1944

New Zealand Forces Club Cairo - 1944

Maadi township

Maadi township

Cathedral Maadi

Italy - the push to Trieste

After a short time in Cairo, Stu was transferred to the 22nd Battalion in Italy, as the NZ Division was making the final push across the Senio River and on to Trieste. The 22nd Battalion was the first of the Allies to enter Trieste where they took the formal German surrender.

15 Platoon Fabriano (Italy) 1945

No 1 Section 15 Platoon - Fabriano 1945

No 1 Section 15 Platoon - Fabriano 1945

Wrecked railway station

Push to Trieste - Mind the bloody bridge!

Driving past fruit trees

Sherman tank

Crossing the Po and Senio Rivers

Adige River

Doug Harris 19 Battalion - Trieste

Doug Harris 19 Battalion - Trieste

19 Battalion - Trieste

In Trieste

After the German surrender and the tensions with the Yugoslav partisans had died down, the Battalion could spend some time relaxing.

Ken Prockter (496135), Grif, Stu - Trieste 1945

Trieste 1945

Jesi Aerodrome 1945

Rest camp at Mondolfo Beach and then Winter quarters in Florence

In August 1945 the Battalion moved south from Trieste, to bivouac near Perugia and then spent a week at a rest camp near Mondolfo. The Battalion Diary notes the prevalence of baseball and beach swimming at this camp - some of Stu's photos may be from this time.

Support COY/HQ baseball teams

Doug Harris

1&2 Sections, 15 Platoon, "C" Company

Jack Sicely (22805)

Doug Baty (214388)

Lance & Stu - Florence

Florence Camp 1945

Morrie Oliver (459099) & Jack Sicely - Florence 1945

?, Brian Innis (444514) & Stu - Florence


Smithy, Bib Fraser - Florence Camp

Smithy, Stu & Lance - Florence

Lance & Stu

Doug Harris, Howard Davie, Jim Murphy, Bill Whitehead (449982)

Trotting - Florence 1945

George McCormick, Lance Marshall & Bill Whitehead

Bill Whitehead & Stu barter for camera

Rugby Matches

Resting up before 22nd Bn rugby - Dick Jacob (378446) & John Sharp (397437)

22nd Battalion rugby team - Florence 1945

Both teams line up - Florence

22nd vs Artillery

Doug Harris vs Artillery

Doug scores!

Lineout win!

22nd Bn vs DivCav - Florence

HQ Coy Rugby Team - Xmas 1945 Florence

Support Coy team - Before!

Piped onto field - 22Bn Pipe Band



NZ Forces Club Florence

Stu & George - NZ Forces Club Florence

Morrie, Lance, George

Lance, Stu & George

George & Morrie

Lance at NZ Club Florence

Jim Murray & Bill Whitehead (449982)

Brian Innis (444514) & Bill Whitehead

George & Lance - Club swimming pool

On Leave in Venice

Venice - Hugh Poland (438135) & Lance

Lance & Stu - Venice 1945

St Marks Square Venice 1945

Venice Grand Canal

Venice Grand Canal

Clock Tower - St Marks Square

On Leave in Naples



Naples, Vesuvius in background









On Leave in Rome

Stu on rooftop of NZ Club - "Quirinale Hotel", Rome

Rome leave

Christmas in Florence

New Year's Eve Florence 1945

George McCormack, Doug Harris, Stu, Joe Barnard - Florence 1945

George McCormick, Lance Marshall & Bill Whitehead

George McCormick - Florence

"Tiny" Freyberg's final parade

Transfer to Japan - February 1946

Naples harbour 21 Feb 1946


Naples Harbour

Embarkation Naples for Japan 1946

Lance & Tubby Stewart onboard "Strathmore"

Lance - we pass Isle of Capri

Deck tennis - Gordon Anderson, Bib, Lance & Geo McCormack

Suez Canal

"Strathmore" enroute Japan

Suez Canal

"Strathmore" in Suez Canal

"Strathmore" in Suez Canal

Ferdinand de Lessops Memorial, Suez Canal

de Lessops Memorial, Suez Canal

Water barge, Colombo



Hiroshima from train Kobe/Chofu


Doug Harris - Chofu

Japanese girls entertain - Chofu

Battalion sports, Japan - Doug Harris

Sports day

Johnny Sharp - Bn long jump

Lance & Stu - Chofu

Doug & Stu - Chofu

Changing of guard - Bn HQ

Taking over Bn HQ - Chofu

Taking over Bn HQ - Chofu

22 Battalion - at Chofu

Back in New Zealand

Taxes Ball, Wellington 1946

Battalion reunion, New Plymouth 1958:
Buff Worth, Al Ciceridge, Bib Fraser, ?, Stu Southall (621870), Don Thomson, Brian Innes (444514), Gil Wall (444680).

15 Platoon reunion, Wellington 1954

22 Battalion reunion, Napier 1974

15 Platoon reunion, Rotorua 1984

C COY (including 15 Platoon) reunion Trentham, 1994

The Final Battalion Reunion, Katikati, Christmas 2010
(This function was the last of many that Stu Southall had organised for the Battalion)
Back Row (L-R): Des Flavall, Charles Purcell, Chuck Hausman, Malcolm Waller, Lionel Isted, Barry Bracewell
Front Row: Jim Sherratt, Ned Nolan, Haddon Donald, Stu Southall, Doug Froggatt, Stewart Nairn, Barry Dods

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Last updated: 19 June 2024