22battalion crest

22nd Battalion 2NZEF

"Vrai et Fort"

Photographs of Egypt, Italy and places visited by PTE Frederick PINNY (229770)

Frederick William PINNY (229770) was in the 22nd Battalion. He joined the Battalion in the latter part of 1942, taking part in the battles in North Africa, including El Alamein, then on to Italy for the rest of the war. After the surrender in Trieste in May 1942 Fred with the Battalion spent several months camped outside Trieste and then were sent down to Lake Trasimeno. During this time parties of the 22nd went on "swanning" trips into the Italian and Swiss Alps, before Fred came home to New Zealand as part of the "Tekapo" draft in September 1945 onboard the s.s. Strathmore. .

In addition to his photo album and other documents that the family has supplied, they have also told his army story in a video that can be seen here.

"Fred's War - a video essay"

You can download and play the MP4 file here
Or you can play the file in the browser window below:

Fred's War through his photo albums

Images from the North African desert

Images from Italy

Leave, travel and "swanning" trips after the surrender

During leave periods and after the war was over, men were able to travel to visit places of interest. From the selection of photos, both his own and sets purchsed en route, it is clear Fred visited Palestine (Jeruselem, Haifa and ) possibly while the Battalion was stationed in Syria. as well as Milan, Venice and the Italian and Swiss Alps (the latter was definitely a "swanning trip").


Fred was obviously over-awed by the architecture and grandeur of Milan and Venice. He di take photos, but like many of the men he also bought souvenir photos, postcards and albums of photos.

In addition to photos in his album, Fred bought a souvenir booklet of photos of Milan. You can look at this booklet here

Images from Venice
Italy and Swiss Alsps
The Holy Lands

Jerusalem War Cemetery

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Last updated: 17 June 2024