22battalion crest

22nd Battalion 2NZEF

"Vrai et Fort"


Here are some photographs of the 22nd Battalion

If you have photographs that you would like to share, please contact me. I am especially keen to obtain copies of personal photo albums. Scanned copies preferred, but I am able to scan all formats of photos and negatives so that they can be electronically archived. Photos will be carefully handled and returned.

Paul Froggatt

Photos of Cpl Boseley's time in North Africa

J. Boseley was a lance corporal in the 22 Battalion. There is a selection of his photos, including a set depicting the Maadi Camp Rifles Competition.
View his photos here

Photos of Captain Hec BURNS at Maadi, Palestine and as a POW at Oflag V A

Hec BURNS was a 2nd Lieutenat in the 22 Battalion (later promoted to captain whilst a POW in Germany). Here is a selection of his photos and memorabilia.
View his photos here

Photos of Pte Ed COLLETT's time in North Africa

Ed Collett was a Private in the 22 Battalion. Here is a selection of his photos of his time in the Western Desert and Cairo.
View his photos here

Photos collected by De Lisle for official use

De Lisle acted as battalion historiam near the end of the war. He collected photgraphs for use in publications. Some of this colelction remains in he Alexander Turnbull Library
View the collection here

Photos of Training Camp at Waiouru, Maadi and R&R in Rome by Douglas FROGGATT

Douglas was a signaller in the 22 Battalion. He has some photos of his time in camp at Waiouru and Palmerston North, followed by his time in Egypt, Maadi Camp and on sightseeing trips. Then he moved to Italy, with photos of locals he met and his time in Rome. He was wounded on the outskirts of Florence and found hinself back in NZ by Xmas 1944.
View his photos here

Photos by Raymond HARRISON of Div Signals

Raymond and his brother Mick HARRISON trained as signallers and joined Div Signals in Cairo, although they often worked with the 22nd Battalion.
View his photos here

Photos of Florence and Japan by Wilbur KINSEY

Wilbur Harold Kinsey joined the 22 Battalion at the end of the Italian Campaign, then went on with the Battalion to Japan as part of "J Force". There are four pages of his photo album with images of Florence, and two of Japan.
View his photos here

Photos of central Italy by Ron McIVOR

Ron joined the 22 Battalion late in 1943 but by the time opf the Cassino battles in May 1944 he was with the 23 Battalion as a stretcher bearer/medic. He was taken prisoner in December 1944 whilst trying to evacuate some wounded.
View his photos here

Photos of his training in New Zealand and Egypt by CPL Charles MERRYLEES

Charles Merrylees 6754 was an original member of the 22 Battalion and sailed to Britain on 2 May 1940 with the 2nd Echelon.
View his photos here

Photos of L/CPL Mike O'LEARY's time in North Africa, Italy and Japan

Mike O'Leary 617177 was in the 22 Battalion. He arrived in Egypt in mid-1944 for final training before being shipped to Italy (through Bari) to join the 22 Battalion at their Winter quarters just south of the Senio River. In Spring, Freyberg launched the final assault north, with the 22 Battalion being the first to enter Trieste on 2 May 1945. O'Leary's war was over and he was able to enjoy the summer, before moving south to Florence for the Winter and finally on to Japan.
View his photos here

The Sketches and watercolours of Charles PATERSON

Charles Paterson took and pencil and sketch book overseas rather than a camera. He sketched and later set these out as watercolours.

View his sketches here

Photos from Frederick PINNY (229770)

In addition to his photo album, the family of Frederick PINNY has recorded his time in the Army as a video.
View his photos and the video here

Photos of Cairo, Italy and Japan by SGT Stuart SOUTHALL (621870)

Stuart Richard SOUTHALL (621870) was posted to the 22nd Battalion in 1944, joining the Battalion for the NZ Division's final push into Trieste in northern Italy.
View his photos here

Photos of North Africa and rugby by Lincoln Reeves THOMAS (40447)

Lincoln (known as "Lin") joined the 22 Battalion with he 4th Reinforcement in 1942. He was a keen sportsman and good rugby player, featuring in the best 22nd battalion and NZ Division sides.
View Lin's collection of photos here

Photos of Walter TOWGOOD (454906)

Walter TOWGOOD (454906) was posted to the 22nd Battalion in 1944, joining the Battalion at San Casciano, just south of Florence in Italy. His photos also document the activities of the Battalion after the German surrender, with "swanning" trips to Switzerland and elsewhere.
View his photos here

Photos of Donald VAUSE (441324)

Donald VAUSE was posted to the 22nd Battalion in 1943, joining the Battalion in Italy. His photos also document the activities of the Battalion after the German surrender, with "swanning" trips, skiing and rugby.
View his photos here

Photos of Malcolm WALLER (832)

Malcolm WALLER was posted to the 22nd Battalion in 1944, joining the Battalion in northern Italy. His photos also document the activities of the Battalion after the German surrender, with "swanning" trips and other excursions.
View his photos here

Tiny Freyberg taking tea

This photo is from the collection of Cyril Whitty, a member of 22 Battalion.
Cyril is standing in the middle of the back row and Capt MacDuff is to the left of Freyberg, with the light-coloured hat.
Do you know the other members of B Company in this photo?

Xmas 1944
This pen drawing was used for the Battalion's 1944 Christmas Card.

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Last updated: 9 March 2023