22battalion crest

22nd Battalion 2NZEF

"Vrai et Fort"

Roll of Honour

Here is the list of casualties of the 22nd Battalion as recorded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, the Official History and other sources. It also records those who died whilst a prisoner of war or those who died later from wounds.

The list contains the names, date of death and the location of the grave or memorial. More information can be obtained from the CWGC website. I have also added a photograph of the memorial for most of the entries. Many of these are from my own visits to cemeteries around the world. Photographs from some of the cemeteries are courtesy of the New Zealand War Graves Project website.

You can view the list and photographs here.

The casualties suffered by the 22nd run from May 1940, when one of the men died in Cape Town en route to England, through to 1947 and the deaths of four men in Yokohama, in Japan. As expected the numbers peak at the major battles:


The 330 deaths and 799 wounded suffered by the 22nd Battalion were typical of the New Zealand infantry battalions. We do not know the number of men who served in each battalion, so it is difficult to compare casualty rates between the battalions. Taking the numbers from the Offical History books, here are the actual numbers for killed and wounded:


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Last updated: 17 June 2024