22nd Battalion 2NZEF
"Vrai et Fort"
Cassino Commemoration 2014 - 70 years on
The next generation returns
Day 2 Across the Apennines to the Sangro
Rome to the Sangro River
We started early to get ahead of the traffic - and it worked.
No traffic jams in Rome and we were soon out onto the Autostrada
heading east, first on the A24 and then the A25, passing Pescina,
Sulmona, Popoli, Chieti; almost out to the Adriatic Coast at Pescara,
where we turned south on the A14. We left the A14 at a small sign to
Val di Sangro and this road took us down into the valley and across the
Sangro River - a name well known to all. Then up the steep eastern bank
onto roads that even our brave driver was questioning. When Greg
directed the bus onto an even narrower road with a steep and tight
corner, the driver had to ask twice, even though there was a large sign to
"Cimitero Inglese". But up we went, through the olive groves, past the
farm houses and then, there was the bus park and the familiar Cross of
Sacrifice through the trees.
Out of Rome and onto the autostrada.
We passed many olive groves...
and ancient hilltop villages. |
We saw amazing highway structures...
and crossed many of them.
Past more villages...
and mountains...
then snow-capped peaks.
Through tunnels...
and down steep grades...
Until the Adriatic Sea came into view.
We turned towards Vil di Sangro.
Despite the driver's concerns, we were on the right road...
across the Sangro River, up the hill,
and yes, we do have to go up there...
through the farmyards and
then the whole Sangro River valley opened up before us.
West to the mountains and
east to the sea.
A panorama of the whole valley.
Sangro River Commonwealth War Cemetery
It was a quiet and thoughtful group that clambered down from the bus and
stared across the Sangro Valley. Many were seeing it for the first
time but all knew it from stories, books and the history
of bitter fighting that had raged there just over 70 years ago. Then
absorbed with their own thoughts, the group moved slowly through the
main entrance and into the ranks of headstones that form broad arcs
around the curve of the ridge. At one end is the monument to the Indian
soldiers who were cremated as is their custom.
I looked for and photographed the headstone for each of the 22
Battalion men - there are 22 of them here. Two of note are Major
Frederick OLDHAM and Capt. NANCARROW. Major Oldham was killed on 30
November 1943 during when he stepped on a mine during a recce while the Battalion was taking over
the Barone feature from 24 and 25 Battalions. Capt Nancarrow was
killed a few days later on 2 December at Guardiagrele while the advance
was held up while demolitions were being cleared.
The entrance to the Sangro Cemetery.
The unusual paving at the entrance.
From the entrance, looking over the register book.
Looking west across half of the cemetery.
The Cross in the centre.
The Cross.
Looking east from the Indian Memorial.
The Indian Memorial with the snow-capped mountains behind.
The Indian Memorial.
Headstones and the mountains.
From the Cross looking over the olive groves.
Headstones, rank on rank...
they form a wall...
in careful order.
Row 16E
Major Oldham's headstone on right.
Major Oldham
Capt Nancarrow
and many others, all in straight rows.
Colourful flowers were in abundance amongst the headstones...
and at the foot of the Cross.
And finally, signing the register book as we departed.
The Sangro River Cemetery from the air.
Moro River Canadian War Cemetery and Ortona
From the Sangro we went north towards Ortona, stopping at the
Moro River Cemetery. There are 1563 Commonweath burials here, including
37 New Zealanders. Many of the New Zealanders were officers, and four
had been awarded the Military Medal (MM) for action in North Africa.
Back across the Sangro River.
Through Fossacesia Marina.
The Adriatic Coast here is quite rugged...
These wooden structures are fishing platforms with nets strung from the
long poles.
The harbour at Ortona.
Moro River Cemetery.
The entrance gates..
Headstones and the Cross.
There was a party of Italian schoolchildren visiting..
The Moro River Cemetery
New Zealand headstones. SJT B.A. WORTHINGTON MM on left.
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Last updated: 20/07/14